Friday, October 23, 2009

Bloggy Give Away!!

In an attempt to see how many people read this here ol' blawg, (and to possibly add a few more)I wanted to give away a FREE session with a $25 print credit ($125 -150 value) to be used anytime within a year from now.

So here's what you have to do. Post a comment answering the question: what is your preferred style of photography? I'll use to generate a random number. And the person who's comment number matches the random number, wins!! The winner will be posted here so check back to see if you won! Please post only one comment per person, but tell your mom, your sisters, and all your friends so they'll have a chance to win too! You have until Thursday, October 29th, until midnight to comment and then I'll post the winner on Friday!

This is so fun!!

And because what's a post without a picture? Here are my two at the arboretum recently. Not looking at me, but smiling, together, still, and looking happy! What's a mama to ask for beyond that??

Now for the 'fine print' type of stuff. The free session can be used in studio or on location within 25ish miles, up to five people or all members of your immediate family, and will expire 10/30/10. I think that should about cover it! Thanks for playing!


  1. How fun! I guess my preferred style is relaxed but directional. I also really like candid shots of family members just being together.

  2. I am all about a chance to win something good!
    I don't know alot about photography so I am going to say that my most favorite is the kind where the photographer captures the true being of each person in the picture.

  3. I love candid shots that are not in studio (kids exploring, etc.).

    Your kiddos are too cute in this post by the way! I can't believe how big Teagan is!!!!

  4. Girl, you know I check your blog;) I'm even subscribed to it:)

    I love candid shots outdoors, which is crazy b/c I'm not a big fan of being outdoors, but I love the lighting...and pretty background. I also love artsy shots with cool be really technical. You know what I mean, right?

  5. We're friends of the Brooks' and love having pictures of our kiddos made, so I'm going to leave a comment. Is that terrible? I'm with Carole - I love artsy angled shots (outdoors especially but also ones with solid backgrounds and cool lighting).

  6. I subscribe too Taylor. I love seeing your work! Personally I love shots of faces, where you get that good look into someone's eyes. Those are always the ones I remember.

  7. Hey! I just randomly clicked on your blog and saw this post. I love, love, love candids. Or maybe it can be called a photojournalistic style. I love the special shots that weren't posed. They always turn out the best when you least expect it.

  8. Yay! You have quite a talent, and I love seeing these adorable kids on your blog. I think my favorite kind of photography is like what Amy said - when you can get a great idea of a person's essence by looking at it. I love close-ups and contextual, natural shots. (I'm in Houston, so if this comment is picked, can I transfer it to a brand new Mommy in Sachse? :))

  9. Hello, I am a friends with Carole, my favorite style is also candid/ informal. Just capturing the joy of the subject.

  10. Candid - definitely ! Love your blog.

  11. My favorite style would be outside with the sun shiny so bright and a beautiful smile!


  12. Aren't you so smart. And of course I'll play along; fellow photogs aren't excluded from this, are they? ;) My fav style is the kind that moves the soul . . . whether it be posed, spontaneous, or a little bit of both.

  13. I really love the outdoor candid look.

    This is a neat idea! I sent an email to our parents too.

  14. Can a mother get into the action? I like all the pics on your blog.

  15. I think that my preferred style would have to be fun and relaxed that captures the true personality of the person.

  16. Obviously anything by you! You can seen that since we came to you 5 times in 1 year. I love the outdoor shots and the close ups of baby feet, hands, etc.

  17. Great idea good luck everyone! Relaxed and natural (candid). I have 2 two year olds and it is hard enough to get them to stand still for a picture, yet alone pose.

  18. i love an outdoor photo shoot with tons of candid, not looking right at the camera kind of shots.

  19. I love anything you do! It's so magical! I'm not sure what style it is. All I know is your photo's are always beautiful! We may be starting round 2! You never know...

  20. I love the up close nearly full shot of the person in the pic. :)

  21. I love all the outside shots. The more candid the batter. Hey Taylor, I read your blog all the time, I love your pictures!!

  22. What a great idea Taylor! My favorite style is candid, active, real life stuff-like the family "portrait" you took of us this past summer. We've receieved more compliments on that picture than any picture ever! And I have to admit it's my favorite too!
