Thursday, October 29, 2009

Arboretum with Friends: Part 2

Arboretum with Friends, part 2 was a huge success! And by success, I mean the kids had a blast stomping through mud, hay, and soggy pumpkins, and the ladies had fun visiting with one another and enjoying each other's children!

Let's see who was in attendance, we had the Golding brothers, Cason and Chase. Cason is still the doting big brother as you can see!

Jackson! I'm threatening him with a 'wet willy' in this one - it get's him every time, to my complete and utter delight! More of the J man soon!

Sweet Victoria! She's at that age where she doesn't want to stop for even one millasecond. But I still captured her sweetness!

Collin! Twin B, for those keeping track!

Brendan! Twin A, again for those keeping track.

And of course my two. Here's Teaggie Weeggie/Wiggles/Weegie. She just celebrated a birthday! My baby is two years old and talking like you wouldn't believe! It amazes us daily all that she can say! And it seems like with each day she adds a word to length her sentences. She gets her point across with ease these days. And Mama couldn't be more happier about that! Praise Jesus, can I get an Amen! She wanted 'Chucky' for her birthday. We debated on having her party at Chuck E Cheese, but decided the park would be better. We did go to 'Chucky' on her actual birthday. More to come on Weegie's two year festivities!

And my big girl! Presley Poodle. She thinks she's a princess, y'all. She wants to live in princess dresses all day everyday. It's a fight every time we have to dress to leave the house. Sometimes I'm not up for it and I let her wear it. Don't tell, but currently I have all the princess dresses hidden until after Halloween. She's going to be Dorthy, because Mama spend money on a Dorthy dress - and searched high and low for one that fit (thank you, Craig's List - I'm going to give back to you one day! Seriously I have a pile of junk for you.).

If you meet with a play group and want to have picture made, let me know and I'll give you more details and special pricing for your group!

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