Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Holly and family

My sweet friend, Holly, from my college days at SFA came and paid me a visit while she and her family were visiting one of her sisters who lives in this neck of the woods. What a treat!! I got to meet her 8 month old daughter for the first time. And I wanted them to meet my girls too and I was thinking "fun informal shoot". In theory this sounded perfect. This was Teagan when she wasn't screaming and crying and wanting me to hold her!

So I literally did half the shoot holding Teagan! Distracted? Ummm, yeah! In a nutshell, ALL professionalism was thrown out the window!!

Despite the aforementioned, here were a couple of my favorites! Thank you Holly for fitting me into you vacation schedule, and bringing your beautiful Marlee and the rest of your sweet family over! I enjoyed every minute (again, despite the aforementioned!)!

Note to self: informal or not, get sitter for the girls!

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