Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daddy left something behind...

Here are a couple hints...

A big o' dust bunny! Hubby finally took the plunge and his office now resides outside of this house. Sad for me and the girls during the day because we won't get to see his smiling face throughout the day. But happy for me and my photography studio that no longer has to share the space! Definitely bitter sweet!
{I MUST further note the second picture!} Please NOTE: Teagan has sprite spilled all down the front of her, that's not some big o' greasy stain. And who on God's green earth knows what Presley is doing besides NOT looking at the camera at all costs! My babies! How I love them so!

1 comment:

  1. You can have all my dust bunnies...we have dust frogs and mice too! :)
