I've had my eye on this little green chair at Helping Hands, the local thrift store, for a while now. Last time I went, all furniture was 35% off. I took that as God blessing this purchase! I brought it home, and even though Hubby said it's "uglier than a dogs booty" (not his
exact words, but very, very close), I really love it. It has great lines, small and lightweight, and one day I want to get it recovered. But right now, I'll use it green and all! So I guess you can say, Taylor Made Messages is going Green!! (P.S. I did buy some reusable grocery bags today at the grocery store.)

Thanks to the lovely Willa and Dovie for helping me model it!
I'm lovin' the chair. And the girls have the cutest smiles, but do you think you could photoshop their eyeballs to BOTH be looking at the camera. ;)
i love the chair and the girls sitting in the chair are too too cute
I'm loving the chair too!
don't you have some snappy photo software that could make the chair whatever color you wanted? {I have no idea about photo software, so I just assume that they make some program to do just about anything....}
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